Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Prayers for July 22 2014

God Your Word says that You are the Potter and we are the clay. That is a simple and strong image. I accept it and respect what that implies. But there are times I do not like it. I am not complaining. I just wish my life unfolded in ways that were more fun and less uncertain some times.

God I find myself in relationships with different kind of people. You are a good God that loves each one of them. You know how to communicate Your will to both me and them. We do not always hear real well and we do not always obey perfectly. But still You work with us. Let me be ever more diligent to trust and obey the Lord Jesus Christ one day at a time. May I take care of my business and let You take care of the rest.

God let me know deep inside that You really do hear and answer prayers. Let my doubts and fears dissolve and may my faith in Your Son improve based on hearing Your Word. 

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