Monday, September 29, 2014

Prayers for September 29

I request prayers for wisdom from God for best of uses of my time.

These days I especially want God to guide me in how to best use my time to complete the ebook that 

I have been working on for a long time.

I need many hours of anointed time in the creativity zone free from distractions.

This ebooks casts the vision and presents the gameplan for the launching innovative educational nonprofit named Our Stewardship Community. It will provide educational modules in many languages for those in severe poverty in developing countries. We will sow and grow community centered libraries in remote villages. These will gradually transform lives for generations. The content we will provide includes basics of agriculture, animal husbandry, literacy and Christian Education. The Bible based lessons will gracefully lead many to become born again and to grow as Christians. 

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Prayers for September 4 2014

Praise Report

I finally got the crowd funding platform to connect to my Pay Pal account yesterday. That took many attempts over the course of more than a week.

Prayer Request
Today I will be putting the finishing touches on the crowd funding platform. I will be sending out promotional messages.

May God make a way for lots of people I know go there.

May they be favorably impressed.

May they pray, give and promote it to their contacts.

This is a major milestone. God has answered hundreds of prayers. God did a deep work in me to get over my fears of rejection, failure and success. God gave victory over distractions, detours, depression and more. There were lots of technical challenges along the way.

The money raised from this will get the ball rolling. It will pay for marketing tools, start me on the road trips and my living expenses. Then from this momentum I might use crowd funding again to keep moving forward.

It has been a bumpy path along this adventure for many weeks.

God has improved my faith and increase my skills.

I had lunch with a friend recently. I gave him a summary of my dream. And he commented that I was able to communicate the vision and game plan more clearly than ever before. It took these difficult weeks to get to this point.

God has been at work in me to will and do of his good pleasure. (Phil 2:13)

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Prayers for September 2 2014

God I honestly thank You for the public transportation system in Dallas.

Today I went on 2 errands using the bus and light rail.
For one reasonable price I traveled many miles.
It was cool inside while hot outside.
It is possible I could have walked to both locations.
But that would have taken all day and been exhausting.
I say that You were behind and with the clever people that set up this system.

Thanks too for the good bargains I made today.

I got great value for reasonable prices.